Rachel Seidu

For me the Black gaze means seeing and telling my own stories myself, changing the western perspectives of us.

It matters because I live these stories. I am these stories. I am in the right place to tell them.
— Rachel Seidu

How does the Black gaze relate to your photography practice?

The core of my photography practice is storytelling, telling the stories of my people is an important part of it.


What do you want to say or address with your photography?

I want to tell stories showcasing the beauty in Black skin and our culture, as well as breaking gender norms for men and women.


What influences and inspires you? How is this reflected in your work?

So many things inspire me, art, music, the work of other great artists as well, books and articles too. How it’s reflected in my work is i take an element of each of these things and interpret it in my way.


Who are your favourite Black photographers from the past? Why?

Gordon Parks and John W. Mosley, they were amazing storytellers and true artists. They told everyday stories and made it into something powerful.


Please describe the highs and lows of your experience as a Black photographer?

Getting booked and selling prints is quite hard, although I believe this is because I am still a newbie. ?. So I’m unable to get the gears I really want, but I believe things will be better soon.


What work are you producing and what more would you like to do?

I’m currently telling stories around gender fluidity and body positivity. For now that’s it.


Rachel Seidu is a Nigerian-Ghanaian photographer working out of Benin City, Nigeria. Rachel captures every day Nigeria in an ‘up close and personal’ style that seeks to highlight people and address issues that are often unseen or overlooked.

Rachel’s work recently featured in the Young Contemporaries Exhibition at Rele Art Gallery.

About Rachel


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